Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A Letter from a Friend

I want to share a letter Barbe received after I wrote the post, So...it's been a hard week, I mean month. It was one of several letters and even more fb messages she received encouraging her and letting her know she is loved and prayed for. This friend, who gave me permission to use her letter anonymously, illustrates the point I tried to make in my follow up post, Special Thanks to All of You.

I had no intentions of writing any further on this subject as one of my many sayings is, "The secret to success is knowing when to quit," but when I read this letter, I knew I had to publish it. I did omit some personal comments as requested, but the sentiment remains intact. I somewhat unwillingly (tongue in cheek here, wink, wink) left her very kind commentary on my writing in place. Honestly though, I'm very glad you enjoy following my blog, despite all my many errors in grammar and punctuation. I often say that I use commas like salt from a salt shaker. I sprinkle them on liberally and to suit my taste.

I want you to know that I think about you and pray for you and your family all the time. Of course, as I am horrible about reaching out to people, you have no way of knowing that people back home do care. I enjoy reading your husband's blog and his tell it like it is style. I have often heard that it is harder for the wife on the mission field. Thank you for letting him share his last post. So many times as Christians we are hesitant to share our struggles as we think others will think less of us, at least I know that is how it is for me...
...I have learned that it is okay to have fears and doubts and struggles, but it is what you do with them is what matters. Having a friend that reminds me that God's grace is sufficient and that he will see me through helps tremendously. She doesn't tell me stuff I don't already know, but reminds me of it, doesn't judge me and prays for me and I her. So I am not as good with words as your husband is.... but I hope you get from this that I care and it is okay not "to have it all together" and to pretend that you do causes you to lose out on the blessing of others holding you up in prayer. If there is something that I can do to help you there, promise you will let me know. 
PS So after sending this... i see that your husband has a new post and says it so much better than I ever could : )
Although I am flattered by your last comment, I have to disagree. I think you said it perfectly. Thank you.


  1. nice! Yes, many people love you guys. I am one of them too. Out of all your sibs, I know I think of you a bit more and miss you. you are always in my thoughts. Amy
