Thursday, June 13, 2013

A Selfless Act of Kindness

I had the privilege several days ago to witness a selfless act of kindness. There were no drum rolls, no histrionics, just a simple gesture of compassion. The participants in the act were not even aware they were being observed, and yet it will remain one of my most vivid memories because of it's simplicity.

There is a lady near El Centro who sells tamales from her house. As I was walking towards her house to buy several tamales for dinner, an older man, dirty and unshaven, obviously a drinker, stepped to her gate and said something to her I could not hear. Without hesitation, she reached in her basket and gave him a tamale. Although I do not know for certain, my impression was that this was not the first time he had stood at her gate and asked for something to eat.

As I to stepped to the gate, I asked her if she had indeed given him a tamale. Instead of answering my question, she said, "He likes to drink". There was compassion in both her voice and her words. There was no judgment or condemnation, no questioning whether or not she was enabling him to continue in his lifestyle. Just tenderness and compassion for a fellow traveler through this life who had made mistakes...too.

Two people received a blessing that day from this woman's quiet generosity. I was one of them.

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