Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A Little Goes a Long Way

WARNING: I am going to ask you for money. 

Recently, we wanted to do something special for one of the ladies who has stuck with Allan and Nicole and their little church plant in Oriente through thick and then. She needed a window put in her house. Her bedroom window only had chicken wire and a shower curtain to cover it. When it rained, their beds got soaked. Dengue has been running rampant here and it's spread by mosquitoes. Shower curtains and chicken wire don't stop mosquitoes very well. Or bad guys.

Our home church, NGF, Jacksonville, FL left funds for us to use to drill a well with. I squeezed a little extra out of that account and with the help my carpenter friend Trey (actually he did it all, I just cheered him on) we built and installed wooden shutters...for $45 USD

This is RoseMary. She sleeps in this room and she was there "helping" us install the shutters. She's laughs and giggles a lot. She's adorable.

Trey, Ben and Thomas cutting the frame, me taking photos and cheering them on.

Trey is fitting the frame into the window opening.

The finished product

One happy little girl.

Okay, so here's my pitch and you know how much I hate doing know...asking for money, but we would really appreciate your help funding some of the small things we do to help people.

As you know we pay for all our own living expenses here and I hope to continue being able to that, but...until I get a job, which I'm hoping will happen fairly soon, we are a little short on cash, at least from the budget which went out of the window a long time ago's perspective. We have opportunities here to help in little ways over and over again with things that really do make a difference in some one's life and doesn't cost much.

 Needs like those below.

Today I was able to buy blood pressure medication for an elderly lady who can't afford it and who's blood pressure was over 200. We bought it with a little of our money, a lot of money from a fellow missionary here and some from the little church we go to. Meds for the month, $35 USD. A little here goes a long way.

Last month we took her some food...about the same amount $ wise.

A little bit does go a long way here. Anyone want to join with us? Email me at

~Thank you NGF for providing the funds for this project.~

1 comment:

  1. I would like to help. I am not sure how I go about doing that though. I also still owe you 150.00 I borrowed when down there.let me know. It would give me great pleasure. Love you. Amy
