Sunday, September 16, 2012

Why Train for Short-term Missions?

Quality pre trip training is absolutely critical to a successful STM trip. Teams and individuals who have not spent at least some time learning about the culture in which they will be serving are 100% more likely to commit social faux pas, 100% more likely to encounter difficulty connecting with the culture and 100% more likely to experience inter-team tension and personality conflicts while in the field.*

On the other hand, a team that has spent time getting to know the culture, has spent time together as a team fundraising and interacting will have worked through many of the cultural differences and personality issues long before they arrive on the field. An added benefit to this time spent together is that the team will find fulfillment in working together for a common cause while bringing people together who under normal circumstances would not have much in common.

Our policy on pre trip training is this; Go and See Ministries will not host any team that has not spent some time in pre trip training, planning and team building.

These are the areas we want to see team training in as well as activities participated in prior to arrival.
  1. Cross cultural and cultural studies.
  2. The area of "personal rights" vs "the good of the team".
  3. The spiritual effects of STM in yourself and others.
  4. Quality planning for any project or ministry you are initiating, i.e. VBS, sports, etc.
  5. At least 2 major fundraising or home missions projects.
  6. As many social "get togethers" as you can manage.
I know that for many people this seems like a huge commitment. And it is! And it should be! This will be an epic event in your life. You will probably be using vacation time and money. Usually many other people will have given generously to help you go. There's an old saying that goes like this, "You get out of something exactly what you put into it." It is my sincere belief that when you put your heart into a missions trip you will reap the rewards in ways you never imagined.

Are you planning a missions trip? We would love to help you in any way we can. There are also ministries whose sole mission is to help train churches for STM. Delta Ministries is one that we recommend and have used before. The Next Mile book and curriculum are excellent resources. This article by Mark Woodward, Standards for Short-term Missions is a must read for any church or individual seriously interested in a short-term missions that produce results.

We believe that whatever we do, it should  be done well and to the very best of our abilities. Join with us in helping make that happen.

*Estimates are my own.

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