Sunday, September 30, 2012

I Spend the Week Well Drilling

Well, not the entire week, but I have spent a couple of days up at a neighbors camp asking Joe and Randy from Goodwin Well and Water questions about all things well related. I kind of figured if I'm going to be drilling wells in Honduras it would be good for me to have more than just the one day's well drilling experience I had with Todd and Elliot Huemann, well drillers extraordinaire from Wisconsin. (see my post Well, Well, Well,) Now, I'm still counting on this father and son team to come back in January 2013 to help me drill a few more wells, but as we all know...plans have a tendency to change and life gets busy.

So  any way, it's been a good couple of days. My knowledge of drilling, logging the well, setting casing and developing the well once it is drilled is vastly improved. Joe has been drilling wells for 27 years and really knows his stuff, but like so many guys who have done something for so long it becomes second nature, sometimes it's hard for him to explain why it is the way it is. He said, "I'm not always going to give you a straight answer, because sometimes there isn't one. You just have to feel it." Kind of makes me think of my mom when you try to get a recipe from her. "Well, just add a little of this and a little of that until it taste right". So how much is a little? A teaspoon? A tablespoon? A bag? So how much Bentonite do I add to make the slurry? "Well, you know it kinda' depends on what you're drilling through." So is it a tablespoon or a bag, Joe!

Seriously, thanks Joe for the help and just in case anybody from Goodwin is reading this...I stayed out of the way and never interrupted the work. Honest!

Hey, while I'm saying thanks, I don't want to forget Dave and Liz, the folks whose lot the well is being drilled on. They've been a huge help and encouragement in sending  us to Honduras. They have; bought at our yard sale, hired Mark and me to deliver a large bookshelf to Providence, RI and are now hiring the boys to clear brush and debris from their beautiful camp on one of Maine's nicest ponds. I tell Dave that by his hiring us instead of just giving to us, and with the understanding that his funds go into our Honduran piggy bank, that it really fits into the spirit of what we want to do in Honduras. Thank you Dave and Liz.

We've also updated our "Interns" page on our website.


  1. Mike
    It has been a genuine pleasure to work with you, to our mutual benefit. Glad to be able to help you realize your dream, and looking forward to hearing periodic reports.
