Monday, May 6, 2013

The Body on the Livingroom Floor

Several weeks ago we went to a retreat in Valle de Angeles. While we were gone, we asked our friend Trey Russell to stay at our house and take care of Tiger. As you can see from the following two pictures, both Trey and Tiger are pretty cool guys and bear a striking resemblance to each other. They got along well and enjoyed their weekend together. There was one thing, however, that we had failed to tell Trey. We had left a body lying on our livingroom floor!

What Trey did not know, is that in our hurry to leave, we had left a body lying on the livingroom floor. Below, is a photo of what he saw when he opened the door to our house later that afternoon.
The Body on the livingroom floor.
Now, as I mentioned earlier, Trey is a pretty cool guy and when I called him later on just to "see" how things were going, I knew it might be a bit difficult to get out of him his true reaction when he first saw the "body". So our conversation went kind of like this.

(me) "Hey, Trey. How's it going?" (Trey) Good, good. Tiger's doing great." (me) " I'm glad to hear that. You get connected to the internet okay?" (Trey) Yeh man, no problems." (me, phishing) "Every thing else cool?" (Trey, pause) "Yeh, why?" (me) "Just checking. Nothing unusual happening?" (Trey, finally giving in) ".....chuckle.....I've gottta' say, when I walked in the door I did a double take and went right back out the door. I was pretty sure there was a guy, either drunk or dead, lying there, so I came back in real slow like, reached over and....flipped the blanket off. I did not expect to find what I found"

So what did Trey find under the blanket?
Two "racimos de bananos", about 100 lbs.

What Trey found were two "racimos" or clusters of bananas weighing about 50 lbs each. We had been given, as a gift, the night before these bananas with instructions to hang them up and cover them with a large sack so they would ripen. Well, the next morning they were still in the van and because we were in a hurry to get going I told Ben and Thomas to just bring them in and lay them on the floor. I grabbed a blanket to cover them with until we got home and I could hang them properly. Stepping back, we realized that they now looked remarkably like someone lying there covered in a blanket. Someone, Corey I think, had the brilliant idea of putting a hat on the stem that was sticking out from under the blanket and the practical joke was born.
We have been incredibly blessed with gifts of fruit lately.  As those bananas ripened we ate and ate, gave and gave and even put some in the freezer in an attempt to make "choco bananos". This past week, my friend Savino who lives in Choluteca and brings two truckloads of canteloupe a week, straight from the fields there to sell here in Siguat, has given me an armful of delicious, sweet melons everyday. Sindy has given us tree ripened mangos from Comayagua. Let me tell you, there is nothing quite like the taste of the fruit here in Central America. sun ripened on the vine!
I'm thankful for the generousity of our friends here. Special thanks to Trey for being a good sport and allowing us a good laugh at his expenes. (Without getting even!) 


  1. Hilarious! dead body. haha! must say that fruit sounds delicious. eat a bunch for me. I love you all very much and sure do miss you. amy

    1. Yup! We did have a good laugh. Are you still coming down here Amy? I think Mom would like to visit sometime too. Could you help her get a passport?
