Sunday, December 16, 2012

Retired...Kind Of

I'm unofficially retired. It's kind of like a sneak preview of myself 20 years from now. It feels...strange. For the first time in over 30 years I don't have a job. Several weeks ago a company from California bought my car trailer. Sent a driver all the way from the West Coast to get it. (In a odd series of events, this was the second trailer they have bought from me in the last three years.) Other than some paperwork, the storm work is wrapped up. I've cancelled the insurance on my truck and stowed it safely away in a corner of the shop. I wake up in the morning with nothing pressing to do. I don't think I like it! Oh a friend of mine who knows me pretty well said, "You won't stay retired for long, Mike." He's probably right. I'm already making plans to start a business in Honduras as part of what we hope to do while we are there.

So although there is nothing urgent I need to do, there is still much to be done. I've slowly been cleaning out the shop so we can store all our belongings in it. I now have more room in there than I have had in years. Of course that will all change in a few weeks. By the looks of this photo I should degrease the floor, too.

This week Ben and Thomas helped me apply lettering to the cargo trailer we will be towing behind the van. Actually, after I showed them what to do, they took over and did it all. I had been debating on whether or not to letter it. The question in my mind was, "Will it attract more attention and curiosity resulting in theft with or with out letters?" I finally decided to do it, but chose to keep it simple with no specific locations or information.

Ben (front) and Thomas (rear)

Nice work, boys!
I'm anxious to get on the road. It will be good to actually have something fresh and interesting to write about. Thanks to all of you for hanging in there with me! Less than a month to go now.

BTW: If anyone in the Farmington area knows of anyone looking for a house to rent, ours will be available in January.

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