Saturday, November 1, 2014

20,000 plus!

When I started blogging I never dreamed that I would have readers around the globe or that I would ever reach 20,000 page views. But that has happened!

I still love to go back and reread some of my old blog post. They bring back so many memories. Today I was missing a good friend, Trey Russell. He played a prominent roll in many of my blog post, as well in the life of our family. A few days ago I went to check on a well he helped me drill and I remembered the good times we had drilling it. I went back and read Six Days in the Life of a Well Driller and relived some of the great moments we and my boys shared together. Blogging has become more than just a blog, it has become a journal and I am honored that you are willing to journey with me.

Recently, I wrote about a baby Barbe and I are caring for in Carlos: the baby in the bag. This post, within days, had soared to the most read post I have ever written. It seemed to touch peoples hearts in a special way as they shared the post with others. Through facebook we received so many words of encouragement and concern for Carlos.

Live like a King on $1200 a month continues to week after week be viewed from all over the world.

Beef and Roxanne are still in the top 10 most popular. Here is a quick update on them. They are here in Honduras, more specifically, they are here in Siguatepeque studying Spanish at our Spanish Institute of Honduras and preparing to move to Santiago, HN in January to begin construction on the new children's home. You can see pictures of them hard at work here in school in a recent post We are the New Owners of the Spanish Institute of Honduras. If you are interested in partnering with these guys, it is a worthy cause they are working towards. You can find more information about them and the children's home project at Sparrow Missions website. We will soon be drilling a well at there new location, so we are excited about that.

I always have my own personal favorites. A Boring Life?  Avoiding the God Complex. Bittersweet. I Turn 50.  Each one, whether written from my heart or just a lighthearted commentary on our life in Honduras, means something special to me and brings back the memories and the moment.

Thanks for sharing in them with me!

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