Monday, November 18, 2013

A Quick Update

I realized that I have not given an update on several of our ongoing projects recently. So here it is.

BAM project, business as missions, interest free micro lending.

We currently have three loans out to: a small chicken and egg farm, a lawn care, weed whacking business and a used clothing sales business. Loans were made to two different men and one woman. Repayments were a little slow in getting started as we allowed for time to develop a customer base, but now payments are beginning to come in. We are always looking for new applicants.

The Church Plant in Barrio Calan.

This little church is precious. It continues to grow, but needs so much more of our time and Pastor Lenin's who already works a full time job.

I recently made a proposal to the leadership. The proposal is to start a co-op between the women of the church community to do farming efficiently, raise chickens, eggs and produce for their own consumption and help them develop a local customer base for their surplus. The success of this proposal depends, in a large part, on the help of a young woman, a Camino Global intern, who is coming in January and has a passion for agriculture and missions.

Living Water Well Drilling. 

We have drilled three wells so far, including one in San Pedro Sula, and have a growing number of people interested in having us drill in other areas of the country. This is a very fulfilling ministry, but is hard work and takes up all of my time when we are in the middle of a drilling. I have learned that I need to have a completely clear schedule when I start one so I can concentrate completely on drilling. This is hard to do because I have so many other irons in the fire. If all goes well we will be drilling another well in a few weeks for Fundacion Melodias de Esperanzas here in Siguatepeque.

Water Purification Projects in Public Schools.

We continue to install water purification systems in public schools so that the children will have bacteria free drinking water. We are moving forward with plans to offer health and hygiene training to the schools. This is a very worthwhile project. I have one more site already chosen where we will be installing a new type of filter that requires far less maintenance and is more cost effective sometime next year.

Unidos para Sigautepeque.

We had two very successful meetings. Out of these I have developed very positive relationships with the current mayor, the water dept. and one of the states congressmen. As a result of these meetings, I believe that Siguatepeque is going to have a new youth center, something that is very much needed here.

Our Home Fellowship Group.

This time of fellowship and communion remains my most favorite time of the week. Those who come each Wednesday changes as we have people come and go from the area and the language school, but....what a blessing.

The Bi-monthly Bible Study in Cerro Azul.

My second favorite time of the month. The Bible study which we lead in a village about an hour from us continues to grow and deepen. God is good and I love the time we spend on Sunday afternoons with these friends.

Managing the Spanish Language Institute.

Probably my third favorite thing we do here. I love this school, the teachers and the students. We are growing and changing and it is an honor to lead this school forward. My goal is to make us the premier language school in Honduras.

Our Two Businesses.

Starting these two businesses has taken a lot of my time lately and many, many trips to Naco, San Pedro Sula and Tegucigalpa. We currently have a Chinese technician working for us here. He will be here until mid January. Developing a network of sales people, developing a market and getting everything legal including learning all of the Honduran bookkeeping an corporate laws has required a lot of time.

Hosting Short-term Missions Teams and Families.

We are looking forward to a busy 2014 hosting teams and families. We already have two scheduled and we are working on a joint venture between ourselves, Camino Global, DELTA Ministries and Hope Coffee. We will be the on the ground host, taking care of the team, developing and arranging for the projects and logistics while here. I love hosting teams, but they require a lot preparation in advance and all of our time while here. If anyone is interested in coming down next year, we'd love to have you, but we need to start talking and planning now as our schedule is filling up fast.

Writing a Book.

I continue working on a book I started last year based on the lessons and experiences we have learned from our journey these past five years. I usually write at night between the hours of 1 am and 3 am, but because my days are pretty full I find that I have been wanting to sleep instead. I have a tentative publisher lined up, but the finish date at this point is unknown and will probably be dependent on my sleep needs.

Practicing Hospitality.

My parents were amazing examples of what it means to practice the gift of hospitality. Barbe and I do that on a regular basis here and it is such a blessing. Although things have slowed down a bit, there are times when we have throughout the week, 40 or so people pass through our house and stay for lunch or dinner. Anyone passing through Siguatepeque, you are always welcome at the Wolfe house. We'd love to have you stop by.

Future Projects Now in the Works.

A few of the things we are currently working on starting are: a second bi-monthly Bible study, a more active role with an adoption agency, a closer relationship with one of the local communities, finding a new location for the language school, developing a missions program specifically for the school and.... 

As we get busier. I am always aware that I have a family that needs me to. One of the things I do is include them in what I am doing. Ben and Thomas drill wells with me. Mark and Thomas are learning different aspects of the businesses. Barbe keeps the social side of our lives going including meals, etc.The Bible study is a family event as is our hfg. One of the things that has been impressed on me is, rather than saying no to opportunities, is to begin looking for a qualified person or family to help us with what we are doing.

Because at this point we see providing for ourselves and our living expenses here through free enterprise as the path chosen for us, the success of these two businesses is very important to us being able to stay here beyond the two years we had budgeted for. As we become more and more involved here, it is becoming pretty clear to us that this is where we are to be. And so we move forward, always seeking God's will and his blessing.