Tuesday, July 2, 2013

An Unexpected Purchase

It's 13 years old. It's diesel. Has 5 speeds and get's good fuel mileage. It's WAY under powered. It's very popular here. It carries 6 passengers in the cab and 20? in the back. What is it?

It's a carro de paila!
(That's what they call a pick up here.
Loosely translated it means a car with a bucket or pan on the back)

 Several weeks ago we decided to buy this 2000 Isuzu KB 2.5 liter, 4 door, diesel pick up. We had not intended to be a 2 car family here, but for several reasons buying this truck seemed like the right thing to do. One of the biggest reasons is fuel mileage. It is becoming apparent that I will be traveling more and more and although the van is awesome, especially with a full load of passengers and gear, it is hard on gas and was cutting into our budget pretty hard when we drive a lot. The second reason is that Barbe really wants to be able to get out more. Back home she drives our 37' motor home all the time, but here with the narrow streets and other driving hazards we thought she would feel more comfortable in something smaller and easier to maneuver and park.
Apart from the added expense of a second vehicle, I was hesitant to purchase it because it sets us even further apart from the vast majority of people here. Owning one car does that already, owning two really does. Here, perception is more of a reality than the truth is. As Gringos we are already perceived to be wealthy...and typically we are by Honduran standards. Owning a car, let alone two, proves it. Weighing the pros and the cons of the purchase, we decided to go ahead and do it. So, the "fiesta bus" will be parked and only brought out on special occasions, like....fiestas. Or when I need it for groups or well drilling. Or maybe when the boys with their long legs just can't take riding in the back seat anymore. No, wait...that's what the pick bed, excuse me, bucket is for.

Reminds me of traveling with my dad, but with a bit more room

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