Sunday, August 12, 2012

Go and See Ministries: Short-term missions

One of things I love to do is lead, train, plan and develop short-term missions teams (STM). For me, when I see people getting excited about missions, coming together as a team, seeing their faith increase as God provides funds, I can't help it...I get excited. I love seeing people stretched as they move out of the comfort zone. I love helping people work through the inevitable problems that occur as they are stretched. I love watching people grow through the experience of traveling to another country. Opportunity after opportunity exist for God to work in our lives when people and churches commit wholeheartedly to short-term missions. I LOVE IT!

And now we will be hosting teams in Honduras as well as working with them before they arrive. An entirely different side of the the STM experience and one I am very much looking forward to. Our goal is to build relationships with existing local ministries as well as developing the Living Waters Well Drilling Project and then incorporate your team or family into the needs or plans that already exist.

One the projects that I will be developing is the Living Waters Well Drilling. I will be working with Camino Global  to bring clean drinking water to villages that have no clean water source. We would love to have your family or church raise the funds to drill a well (about $4000 USD) and then come over and help us while we drill. We will arrange projects for you to do in the village that we are drilling in based on your team's abilities. For more information on this go to the Ministries page on our website.

Many other opportunities exist. Children's homes, medical needs, construction, VBS, etc. If you have a particular interest, let us know and we will do our best to find a fit for you.

Take some time to explore our website at In it you will find information about our vision for STM. Cost involved in coming to Honduras. Travel information regarding safety, health and accommodations while you are there. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you have regarding short-term missions.

Currently we have one team scheduled for mid June. As the rainy season progresses it will be more difficult to host teams. Weather wise, scheduling to come between the months of November and June are best, but we are willing to work around whatever schedule is best for you. We'd love to have you bring your children and teens. We firmly believe that STM is for all age groups, young and old alike.

So, in my last post I raised the question, "Why should you go and see?" There are so many different answers as to why you should go, but I want to suggest one that for our family has been extremely important. Memories. I know, kind of self centered isn't it, but for our family the STM trip we lead to Huehuetenango, Guatemala in 2008 remains one of our family's most treasured memories. Those memories continue to affect us today. Those memories are part of the reason we are embarking on this adventure. Bring your children. Make your STM trip a family event. You won't regret the time and money spent. Come and make memories that will last a lifetime.

Below are a few of my favorite photos taken in the mountains above Huehuetenango (2008). Memories!

Just of a few of the 150 or so kids who showed up for VBS

Big smiles after doing crafts at VBS
Barbe (far right) and some of the team at a small mountain church.

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