Sunday, July 29, 2012

So, are you like missionaries or something?

"So, are you like missionaries or something?" This is the number one question people ask when I mention we are moving to Honduras. It's a good question and one, to be completely honest, I'm never really sure how to answer. Are we like missionaries or something? I'm unsure.

What exactly does the word "Missionary" mean in today's world? When people ask that question, what mental image does the word "Missionary" evoke? Is it a title? A calling? A position? A lifestyle? Is it a job description? Maybe it brings to mind William Carey, English cobbler, father of modern missions setting sail for India. Or, maybe it's Harrison Ford in The Mosquito Coast (yikes!).

Truthfully, I've always had trouble with titles. Especially ones that can be and often are used by society to set apart or elevate a person socially or intellectually rather than being used to describe what they do. Maybe it's just my own insecurity because I don't have a college education and my own title or letters behind my name. Maybe I'm anti-authoritarian, a rebel, an Anarchist., I really don't think so, on either count.

Your Honor, Doctor, Pastor, Officer, General, President...each of these titles demand the respect the position deserves and the power or ability that comes with it. But none of these titles describe the "person". Trust me, I WILL respect the Officer with the badge and gun even though I may not respect the man he is off duty. In the same way, when I'm sick I want to know the Doctor diagnosing me is competent, skilled and has M.D. after his name, at a minimum.

Okay, so maybe "Missionary" is not that kind of title. (I'm just thinking out loud here) Maybe "missionary" to most people is more of a "job description".  The Free Online Dictionary defines missionary as: 1. One who is sent on a mission, especially one sent to do religious or charitable work in a territory or foreign country.
2. One who attempts to persuade or convert others to a particular program, doctrine, or set of principles; a propagandist.

I'm not sure that helps my dilemma. We are going to Honduras to do religious and charitable work. We will no doubt attempt to persuade and/or convert others. But, what about all the time I'll spend being Husband, Father, Friend, Entrepreneur, Administrator, Mentor, Host, Leader, Servant, Driver, Cook, Blogger... Will I really be devoting the vast majority of my days and nights exclusively to charitable efforts or to the persuading of others to believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven? Unlikely. So which one of these things I've listed most accurately describes me, what I do and who I am? Should I only choose one?

So maybe it describes motive. Ah ha! That must be it. A missionary must be one who is motivated by the desire to spread the Good News and to do religious and charitable work. Problem: With the exception of being in a foreign country, my wife and about 49 other volunteers just spent a week at Camp Good News doing this exact thing. I don't remember them being referred to or calling themselves "missionaries". So perhaps to qualify for the position, title or job description of missionary it must be one's full time occupation and must be in a foreign country. Maybe that's it!

So what are we? I don't feel as though I am any closer to a good answer than when I started. You know something? I think I'll just skip all the titles and descriptions and tell people I'm a just a man who loves Jesus and wants to follow in His footsteps even if it means moving to Honduras. Now, ask me what that means!

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