Saturday, August 4, 2012

Go and See Ministries; how we got our name.

Go and See Ministries is the name we have chosen for what we, as a family, will "officially" be doing in Honduras. For me, it says exactly what I would like to see all Christians and non Christians do. Go and See! See what? As my friend Pastor Park would say, "I'm glad you asked."

For most of this post I'm going to be writing to Christians, those who profess to not only know Jesus Christ as Savior, but also call him Lord. I'm not going to be getting all theological or preachy on you, so please...keep reading. I just want to tell you from my heart why you  need to Go and See.

I want to begin with a question. Have you ever wondered why you were born here in America and not say, in one of the slums of New Delhi (right) or perhaps as a child, grown up in a Sudanese refugee camp? (below)

No I don't have guilt complex and don't worry, I'm not asking for donations. Instead, I'm asking you to imagine. Stop for a moment, close your eyes and and try to put yourself for just a moment in the body of this little Sudanese boy. You are naked, you have never known what it is like to have full tummy. You used to be hungry, but the ache has been there for so long you don't even notice it anymore. You're hot, brutally, inescapably hot. You have never been wrapped in the embrace of parents who were glad that they had brought you into the world, smothered in their kisses. Your mind has never been challenged to grow, to imagine, to dream. What if this was you?

It's hard to imagine isn't it? Why? Surely it's not because you haven't seen enough pictures, heard enough stories. No, the reason you can't imagine it is because you haven't been there. Go and See! If you had been there, if you had taken that child in your arms, his weight light as a feather as you lifted him, felt his bones only thinly layered in skin, felt the heat of the sun scorching your own skin, parching your could imagine. Would you feel compassion overwhelming you? Would you empty your pockets to buy him a meal. Would you weep because it just hurts so much to see what sin, poverty and sickness has done. Would you come back a different person? Go and See!

Why should I go and see you ask. I can't bear the sight. My heart won't take it. Besides, what good will it do? I can't change the world. I probably can't even change that one life. Why should I go and see?

Let me bring to your mind just a few words and phrases which might help answer that question. Perspective. Compassion. Love. Family of God. What would Jesus do?

Perspective: I guarantee that when you go and see you will have a different perspective on what is important in life. A different perspective on the "things" we have, the "needs" we think are absolutely necessary to life and happiness.

Compassion: "a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering." The Bible speaks of compassion as a critical aspect of the Christian life.

Love: True love. The kind of love that cast out fear. Love that walks the extra mile. Love that cares for the widow and the fatherless in their distress. Love that lays down your life for your brother...or even your enemy.

Family of God: Would you turn your back on your own family if they were hungry and had no shelter? There are multitudes of believers around the world that are lacking the simple, bare necessities of life. If you are part of the family of God...they are your family too.

What would Jesus do? So what would He do? You answer the question and then ask yourself this. If my Master would do it, should I His servant do any less?

Unfortunately, it is very easy to sit in our air conditioned churches and feel good about ourselves. It's easy to stand in our pulpits, well fed and tailored and preach on what it means to be a Christian and to love God "with all our hearts, souls and minds". Oh, but how difficult it is to actually do the things He did. (I wholeheartedly put myself in this category) Go and See. To whom much is given, much is required.

I challenge each of you to go and see. Come down and visit us in Honduras. We'll shut off the a/c in the van, maybe even get out and walk the dusty streets. We'll share the love of Christ with others, visit in their homes, talk to them about their dreams, hopes and fears. We'll eat beans and tortillas, three times a day. I guarantee that you will not return the same person you were when you you left!

That's one of the reasons  Go and See Ministries exists. We would love to host your short-term missions team or your family in Honduras. This is not an advertisement, everything we do is free of charge ( see cost tab )

In my next post I will be highlighting some of the opportunities we want to offer you through Go and See Ministries when you visit us in Honduras. We're looking forward to seeing you there!

Mike and Barbe


  1. Michael, this is EXACTLY what happened to me. I went to India nearly 6 years ago on a short term mission trip. Changed my life! My challenge to Christians who might think this would be "too much" for them is, are you being obedient to the commands of Jesus? What is He saying to you about this? GO AND SEE!

  2. Thanks Cory. For us as well. Guatemala 2008.

  3. HI Mike,

    What a great blog! I did go and see in 2010. I visited La Ceiba and a Children's Home after years of being away. I lived in La Ceiba twice during my growing up years. Anyway, less than a year later, my husband and I decided to sell everything and move to Honduras to work with my father at Helping Honduras Kids in La Ceiba. He runs a Children's Home and Jungle School. There is no greater love than to lay your life down for another.

    1. Hi Dana, S
      So good to hear your comments and so glad you not only went, but stayed. Please give my regards to David. I tried to meet with him when I was in La Ceiba this past March. Our schedules didn't maybe next time. He must be very glad to have you working with him. It is amazing what God has done through David and all the folks at HHK. I love your updates! Keep the faith!
