Sunday, May 17, 2015

Mother's Day and a few random thoughts.

Last Sunday was Mother's day both here and in the US, unlike Father's day, which is is celebrated not only on different days but in different months.

Sunday, being our family's day of rest, we woke late and lazed around the house enjoying the cooler weather than we had been experiencing the past few weeks. The rains still have not arrived, missing the traditional May 3rd date by a long shot, no real surprise there (and as I write this on the 17th we still are without rain), but the skies are less smoky and the air clearer even though.

One of the things about Siguatepeque is that there are very few decent restaurant choices and those we have tend to offer the same fare, typico or typico. Personally, I much prefer to eat at the street vendors sidewalk stalls, but these aren't places one would normally take one's wife or mother on Mother's day, unless one is extremely unwise....something I have on occasion been accused of.

Instead of going out and fighting crowds of people trying to squeeze into the two nice restaurants, the boys and I decided to cook a special meal for Barbe. Del Corral, our local super market, usually has excellent ribeye steaks, well mottled with fat, tender and priced at only $4.60 per pound, so, we decided on ribeyes, baked potatoes, corn and yeast rolls. To top it all off the boys made a cheesecake, Barbe's favorite dessert. Also from the boys, a bouquet of yellow roses and homemade, handwritten cards, a family tradition.

Best Mother's day dinner in Sigua

Barbe's Boys

Flame broiled ribeye

Over all it was a beautiful, relaxing day. I'm grateful for my wife and the the mother she has been to our boys. For so many years while I was on the road she had to "hold down the fort" so to speak, homeschooling the boys and keeping things running at home. Now, here in Honduras she keeps our ever busy house/Institute running as well as taking care of 8 month old Carlitos. 

Other random thoughts.

I have been restless lately. I am once again feeling the need for travel and adventure. Honduras, as much as I love our life here, is becoming increasingly common place and normal. It's genetic and I know this and so I try to guard against it, but even heart longs for the vista of new places, of never knowing what's around the next bend, of being on the move. I will be going to Roatan this week, a place I have never been...maybe that will help for awhile.

We will soon be losing two families we have been very close to here in Sigua as they prepare to move back to the US. They will leave a huge hole in our circle of friends. Ben, in particular, will be losing one of his very best friends. We are going to miss you guys, Haglers and Cadmus'.

Ben and Colby (center) with other "best buds" Grant, Jake and Gus

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Sunday; a day of rest

Carlitos and Thomas catching a Sunday nap together

Sunday has become a true day of rest for us. And I look forward to it each week. I see the wisdom, God our creator, used when He made a day of rest mandatory and legal, because without it, many of us wouldn't take the time to rest, relax and focus on Him, our families and the rejuvenation of our own personal spirituality, energy and emotions.

From 7:30 in the morning until 6:00 at night, Monday through Friday and often on Saturday, we have students and teachers in the house as our Spanish Institute of Honduras goes about it's business. On Tuesday evenings our home fellowship group meets for dinner, laughing and visiting, Bible study and prayer. Throughout the week, visitors and friends come and go. All day, every day, we work, we clean, we run errands, hold, work, work, go, go, go.

So Sundays have become our family's day of rest and togetherness. A day to sleep in, have a nice breakfast together, read and relax...and nap. We love the hustle and bustle that exists here throughout the week, but I love the peace and quiet of Sunday.

People ask us if we attend church. The answer is yes. Our Tuesday night home fellowship group has become our church, our place of encouragement, our support, our place of prayer and fellowship. It's not that I am against going to church on Sunday, it's just that, unfortunately, "church" often becomes just another "busyness" on the one day that we have set aside to rest, defeating the purpose of the day.

Our one exception to this is that every other Sunday we drive the hour to Cerro Azul for the Bible study we have been holding for well over a year and a half now. Even that is restful. We sit in the shade enjoying the cool breeze that wafts down from the mountains that surround this tranquil mountain village at the end of a dirt road 10 km off the CA5. We sip hand roasted coffee and visit with each other. Sometimes the boys swim in the cool mountain stream which tumbles down through the large boulders just a few yards away from where we relax. There is no urgency, no schedule, no plan. Just time together in community.

There is a huge part of me that admires the Latin culture with it's "maƱana" attitude. Myself, being a hard driving, self motivated, North American type A personality, it sometimes drives me a bit crazy, but there is much we Gringos could learn from it. So here's my advice.

Go ahead, take a break. 

It's okay to quit for one day a week and just enjoy God, life and family. 

You deserve it!